Começar é preciso

De uma vida inteira de busca por sabores, aromas, lugares e memórias felizes, nasce a revista Com Limão e Sal


Luciana Mastrorosa e Rafael Carvalho Lima

12/7/20241 min read

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp

For Ms. Shanti, childhood visits to Hattie Mae’s meant wandering the woods, plucking branches, berries, mushrooms and leaves — anything that caught Ms. Shanti’s eye — and taking them back to her great-aunt. “Hattie Mae would name ­every single mushroom, branch, berry and leaf I held in my dirty hands,” she said.

These days, Ms. Shanti, 33, is still exploring. She’s one of a few chefs interpreting Black cooking with a measured specificity, making well-researched dishes that are rooted in tradition but also immediate, infused with ingredients from other cultures or countries.

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